Theme Black Swan
Number of players: 2-6
Recommended: 4 players
Time limit: 45 Mins

Anna Smith could have all the pretty clothes and fancy cars she wanted, but she wanted none of those except to be the lead ballet dancer in Black Swan. She practiced day and night for the audition in her dance studio without ever going home. Her father decided to make a surprise visit to her studio one evening, but he stood in shock when he saw her lifeless body lying on the floor with a message smeared in blood on the mirror next to her saying "Avenge me".

In disbelief and sadness, the father vows to fulfill his daughters last wish. Instead of contacting the police and media, he calls you and your private detectives to uncover the story behind his daughters death.

Game Review:
"Overall, the storyline, along with the great variety of puzzles, and the very friendly staff made for a great experience! ..." More
"They did a great job on the set design. No props felt cheap and they sold the story ..." More
"That being said, it captivates players in its own unique way, allowing hopeful puzzle solvers to step into the limelight and decipher the mystery within. ..." More
"The setting for this room is a dance studio and it was another job well done by the Freeing team! ..." More
"佈置同道具都令我身處喺一間迷你舞室,好迫真。每一樣道具都睇得出佢花咗好多心思,都幾揼本。 ..." More
"I personally like rooms that are longer than 45mins, but this room was a lot of fun. There were enough challenges to keep us busy, and on our toes. ..." More
"Overall, the game was okay. Acceptable without too many complaints or accolades. ..." More